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What do globalists, Democrats, eugenicists, the New World Order, and the “Deep State” all have in common? They are a few of the shadowy cabals that want to crush our freedom, upend democracy, and enslave us, according to the pushers of various conspiracy theories.
Sometimes referred to separately, but often used interchangeably, these ideas once represented the ethos of people operating on the fringes of reality. For them, America is always a FEMA camp away from total enslavement.
For years, true believers warned, dreaded, and prepared for a time when the government would come to relieve us of our liberty. However, their dire predictions have failed to happen — so far.
But now, what was once the fanatical ravings of conspiracy theorists from dark spaces on the internet, is gaining traction. Groups such as QAnon are increasingly making their way into mainstream discourse thanks to the Trump administration.
Donald Trump has officially invited in the supposition that some nefarious, shadowy, deep state cabal actually exists. According to the president and many of his supporters, there is a conspiracy to discredit him, led by elements of the FBI, Department of Justice, the intelligence community, the media, and various other actors.